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Horror Circle


Type: College "Homework" 2º semester

Duration: 1 month

Team Size: 2 people

Role: Programmer/Audio Implemetation

Date: 04/2020 (month/year)

Platform: PC(windows, linux and mac)


Proposed lesson

     How was just a "homework" that make part of the avaliation process by the semester, this game was not to be so complex. The proposed lesson was to do a 2D shooter game with these features:

     - Two different projectiles

     - Two or more different enemies

     - Side, up, down or something like this scrolling type

     - Score system

     - Animated sprites

     - Win and lose condition

     - Boss battle

     - Tutorial, credits, menu and pause menu

     - Sound effects and musics (dind't need to be made by us)

Brainstorm phase: initial idea

     We searched a lot of  2D arcade side scrolling shooter games for create a big collection of references of this type of game. The game that most called our attention was the Cotton and the respective sequence Cotton 2. We wanted that our character doesn't was a ship or something to much "mechanical and static", so a person or animal would be a nice choice of character.

     After decided that, we decided to take the aesthetic something like witches, halloween or dark theme vibe. With that, we started to had a pretty number of ideas for the sprites, enemies, player, powers and more.

The game: Horror Circle

     Plot: Lizandra is a young sorceress descended from an ancient and important family of the Age of the Magi, now 16 years old, discovered to be the bearer and guardian of an ancient magical jewel extremely powerful called necklace of Artorius. But Zelgius which is the actual leader of the Sect Corvis Illusorium, stole the necklace to complete your seven dark heritage sites collection.

     Lizandra enraged and fearing the worst from the Zelgius and his plans, did your loyal bat be bigger and stronger with your magic to confront all enemies and Zelgius and recover the powerful necklace to avoid your terrible plans.

     Main gameplay loop: How is more like a short game, all you have to do is confront all enemies that appear in front of you, using your main power that is shoot fireballs. You can collect blood orbs from the defeated enemies to fill up your special attack bar, that when is full your main attack pass from fireballs to a huge straight line of blood that damage all enemies in it.

     Also you can try to score the max that you can while play it, avoid be defeated by the small enemies to battle with the boss!

Horror Circle features achieved

- Two different projectiles ✅

Fireball and bloodshoot

- Two or more different enemies ✅

Skull heads variation, pumpkins and the own boss

- Side, up, down or something like this scrolling type ✅

Side scrolling

- Score system ✅

Each enemy give your own score

- Animated sprites ✅

Character, enemies and projectiles has animated sprites

- Win and lose condition ✅

You can lose and win the game

- Boss battle ✅

The game have a great boss battle

- Tutorial, credits, menu and pause menu ✅

All those "screens" was implemented

- Sound effects and musics (dind't need to be made by us) 🟨

Unfortunately the sound effects and songs was not done by us. Was provided by libraries and assets. (sfx) (songs)

My experience

     This small game that was just a "homework" it helped me a lot to understand more about programmation, how the major topics of oriented object like abstraction and polymorphism works in practice. I learned those things even more, later few days that we resumed on this project to add some more things, but this is something that I will tell more in Any future plans? topic. 
     Also I learned a good way to program a parallax background, that I have used a another later game but with some changes.  

Main used engine/softwares by me:


Any future plans?

Any future plans?

     So, yeah we had continued this game a few weeks later on our vacation (07/20), but unfortunately (or not) other project appeared and the days of college did came back. With no time, more and more obligations and new projects this game was slowly being "abandoned". But to not only say, I can show you parts of the process that was achieved in the time of July of 2020.

     I also started to learned how to use FMOD with this small game! How I was on vacation and could spent some time on new skills, I really wanted to know about FMOD, because it's a great asset that gives a huge amount of ways to implement, adapt and use sounds/songs in games made with Unity and Unreal. Making the sound be a important part of the game, as it should always be.

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