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Turtle's Revenge


    You are a mutant turtle that has to rescue your parents that was kidnapped by an evil businessperson responsible for the ocean pollution on the earth. Along the way, you can upgrade and collect new projectiles that are useful for each different situation that every level has like enemies, obstacles, and bosses to overcome.

General Info

Type: 2º Semester College project
Duration: 4 Months
Role: Programmer/Level Designer
Team Size: 6
Date: 08/2019 
Platform: PC (Windows)

My experience

    In my opinion, was the best semester in relation to work, was the first time that I have done so many things on the project. I learned a lot about programming subjects like arrays, loops, variables, methods, algorithms and general logic with the programming classes using Processing.

    With other classes, I learned how to use most of the Unity engine modules, components and tools, and how to use the Playground asset together, which is a framework that allow a generic overall coding without much trouble for those who are starting to learn how to code.

    With all of this, I was able to create conditions areas, health/score systems, interactive objects, mechanics, enemy behavior, transition scenes, sounds, and music with different volumes and track depending on the game area and even more.


• Rotate-and-thrust controls
• Gravity system
• Score system
• Different levels to explore
• Different enemies
• Bosses
• A amount of time to beat each level
• Different types of projectiles
• A big variety of original soundtrack

Main used engine/softwares/languages


Proposed objective

    The main objective of this semester was to think about a re-design of some arcade games from a determined list. We had to keep some mechanics and gameplay aspects from the chosen original game and add new features of our choice that could combine with the main theme.

Chosen game: Gravitar (1982)

    Gravitar is an old arcade game from 1982 that had over 5,427 cabinets produced. The game controls is very similar to the Asteroids and Space Duel  (rotate-and-thrust controls). Unlike many other shooting games from that time, in Gravitar  the ship is constantly affected by gravity. So, the enemies isn't the only trouble that the player have to worry about it, the own scenario and the gravity make the game be hard to beat.


The re-design: Turtle's Revenge

     Plot: The main plot of Turtle's Revenge is that a big evil corporation had polluted all oceans and seas with radioactive wastes due to the massive machine manufacture. In that way, most marine life was extinct and those who survived suffered big mutations. One of these victims is Roberta, the playable turtle of the game, that had your biological system adapted to the garbage of all pollution. When your parents were kidnaped by the evil corporation, Roberta starts to use her abilities to defeat all enemies and overpass obstacles to rescue your parents.

"Post mortem"

     What went rigth: As our first digital game, I can say it was so exciting to produce it, also was the first time learning what is the Unity engine, digital art, and of course the principles of programming. The communication of the team was pretty good, the art division and programming and implementation division were always talking to each other, knowing what was needed for every such moment.
    No one on our team already had knowledge about any topic before, so I can confirm that our learning speed was so fast, being in programming, animation, art, or another one. Every day we were meeting to discuss ideas for that we could prototype them, to can test them properly, and see which features were going to fit better in the game.
    The gameplay duration was considerably big, from 30 minutes to 1 hour and a half, depending on player skills of course. But not only did the time to achieve the end of the game, but the number of bosses and your mechanics had a good quantity, generating great combats.

     What went wrong: Our main problem was the game balance. Although we wanted to keep the main keys of Gravitar and also be an arcade re-design game, that is known for its difficulties, we recognize that we made Turtle's Revenge very difficult to beat, master the controls and obtain the precision of the player's movement. Anything that touches the player's turtle (e.g., boxes, plastic cups, and something like this) does the push direction change to another direction that is very hard to predict, making the player lose control and hard to assume the right wanted push direction again.
    Another thing it was a little complicated, was a new member that entered our team, that it wasn't our choice, to be honest, but we didn't do anything different, we talked a lot to him to know him and understand his ideas. But after a few weeks, his ideas were going being even more complicated, we always tried to talk with him about why we couldn't put in the game, but without success, after a few weeks, he stopped to talk with the rest of the team even if we trying to talk to him.


Any future plans?

     I really wanted to make a remake of this game, not only because was the first digital game that I have participated, but because we had some pretty good features that I wanted to enhance. Like the type of projectiles, level design and all the animated sprites. Also, make the entire code of the game again but from scratch without the Playground asset would be much better for the improvements and my knowledge.

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