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Tape Collectors


    This project was made to the Brackeys 2020.2 GameJam. The purposed theme by the jam was Rewind and all the game was made from scrath during the jam.

General Info

Type: Game Jam
Duration: 1 week
Role: Programmer, Game Designer
Team Size: 6
Date: 08/2020 
Browser and PC (Windows)

My experience

    I improved a lot of my knowledge about some data structures especially arrays and lists, like how to reverse the order of a List, add elements and even remove then, of course all of this using C# language only. Also learned how to create and control parameters of events in FMOD.

    A good programming point was the animation logic that I have done, the face and the body of the robots were done separately, but they work together, which saved a lot of time and production of sprites. Because if the screen (face) and body were the same things, would have a lot more sprite sheets because of the number of possible combinations and with that, the number of animation states in the animator would be much bigger.


• Multi characters control
• Movement recording and replay system
• Each unlocked level makes the music have more notes
• Different levels
• Local auto save system
• Tight and precise controls skill required

Main used engine/softwares/languages:


Brainstorm phase: initial idea

     We wanted to try something different them a platformer game, because a week ago we already had done a platformer game. But after so many ideas, that didn't get in any place, I spoke part of my platformer game idea that was in my head and shortly thereafter a another group friend gave more ideas complementing the another ones that I already had spoke.
     With this more uniformed idea with all the group, everyone started to talking even more ideas that could do this game be cool and fit in the game jam theme.

The game: Tape Collectors

     Plot: You and your friends want to collect all available tapes to make the music get better and better! But not so fast! You are in somewhere that have a lot of obstacles and dangers without any reason, or maybe with some reason? Well we not have much time to think about it, just go take all those tapes!

     Main gameplay loop: In the control of four friendly robots, you will have to think out of the box to overtake the obstacles using the advantage of record all movements that you want it to take the tape of each level. Every tape that you get, make the music get better and unlock the next level, until you beat the game and complete the soundtrack that before was incomplete.

"Post mortem"

     What went right: As our second game jam, I believe that we had a pretty game in the major questions like the robots and scenario sprites, that has a good visual style. The way that we constructed the lights in the game added a little more charm, that you can feel with your own eyes, it's not only 2D graphics, but you feel the environment. About the sprites, the choice of using 2.5D was such a great decision, that made the graphics even better.
    The music idea that could be "upgraded" for each level won it gave to the player a sensation of not only completing the game but also getting the complete soundtrack and listening to the complete music, not only some individual parts like before.

     What went wrong: The movement controls were the worst part of this game, the tight controls make the player be highly punished if misses just by a little bit. For example, in a jump obstacle, if the player misses, it takes too much time for the player to come back to try again the same jump obstacle, that example shows that is not only a control problem but also a level design problem.
    If you play the game, you will realize that some sprites are not so polished and not even animated, that was a production mistake about some members of the team. Unfortunately of six members, only four were working throughout the week at every time.
    One member of our team doesn't want to join the game jam, but on the other day he decided to enter, and the other one didn't have much free time. All of this resulted in a game that had a lot of members but without so many features that could have all these members available.

Any future plans?

    Definitely I want to continue this one, there is such potential that can be unlocked by adding new features, and mechanics and improving what already exists. Some body animation states have to be fixed and the level design better developed before adding new things. Doing a complete version after the game jam would be a great idea.

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