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Rocket Launcher Simulator 3D


    In this simple simulator, you are able to launch a rocket into the sky, being possible to adjust the rotation angles of the launching and control the parachute in the air.

General Info

Type: Personal Project
Duration: 1 week
Role: Programmer
Team Size: 1 person (me)
Date: 01/2022 
Platform: PC (Windows)

My experience

    It was a great project for to me learn better about how it works the Rigidbody component and mainly the different types of joints (fixed joint, hinge joint and configurable joint), how to set them and make them work properly.

    The rocket is splitted into two parts, the main engine (body) and the secondary engine (nose), each one has its own mass, fuel, and rigid-body component. They work together but are also splitted, when they are uncoupled, the inertia from the main body is transferred to the secondary body, having a smooth movement.

    Learned how to make a UI receive the player input and apply the change in the game, in this case, the player can rotate the launch coordinates before launching. Also the other basic general things like a UI that shows information about an object, particle system, sound effects, terrain, skybox, and the Input System.


• Launch angles values by input via UI

• 4 (four) launch stages, launch rotation, main engine, secondary engine and parachute landing

• Information panel to know how far and high the rocket reached and also some rocket stats

• Random wind forces that interfere the rocket flight

• The parachute it is controllable

Main used engine/softwares/languages:

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