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Pirate Battle Ship 2D


    In a control of a pirate ship, do you need to protect yourself from the other pirate ships that are hunting you! Score points the max that you can in this 2D top down shooter by destroying the ships before the clock time ends or before they destroy you.

General Info

Type: Personal Project
Duration: 4 days
Role: Programmer
Team Size: 1 (me)
Date: 01/2022 
Platform: Browser and PC (Windows)

My experience

    It was a good project to practice and consolidate my general code structure and programming logic knowledge. I found a good way to apply inheritance and organize the methods and attributes from the classes.
    The configurable match settings were a great thing to do that allowed the player to set up the settings wanted for the match by changing the values at the main menu by UI input.
     Also, setting the enemy and player ships sprites to change according to the actual health through code was awesome, not using the animator to do it saved a lot of time and memory and making easier to change the sprites of the enemy or the player in the future if needed.


• Match settings can be set up by the player

• Score System

• 2D multi directional movement

Main used engine/softwares/languages:

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