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007 Game


     Digital game inspired by the Brazilian '007' play, with this project I am learning to use the Photon Unity Network 2 framework to create multiplayer games in Unity.
     From creating rooms in a lobby to the gameplay part where there is real-time interaction between 2 to 6 players simultaneously. Where each player can perform various different actions on their cellphone or computer.

General Info

Type: Personal Project
Role: Programmer, Game Designer
Platform: Windows and Android

My experience

  • I learned to synchronize data between instances, using the OnPhotonSerializeView method of the IPunObservable interface, RPC (remote procedure call) methods, and triggering events with PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent and receiving these events with the OnEvent method of the IOnEventCallback interface.

  • I learned Matchmaking, allowing players to create rooms that function as a waiting room before the match starts. Players can freely enter and leave these rooms, seeing which players are in the room as well.

  • I learned about the definitions and concepts of control and ownership of PhotonView.

  • I learned about the "Client Server P2P" multiplayer model, dealing with some player being the MasterClient and also with host migration.

English subtitles available!

Main used engine/softwares/languages:

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